
The novel Major Tom’s War is fictional, but only just.  It began its decade-long journey into print as a transcript of the author’s grandfather’s war diary, crammed with photographs, letters, postcards and posters he sent back to his future wife 1914 – 1918.

When completed later this year, the collection will display every individual item (over 400 in total) within the family archive digitally, plus some of the additional images and documentation Vee Walker has collected during her research trips to Bavay which relate to its mayor Gaston Derome.

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Gaston's diary entry for November 11th 1918

Gaston has written out part of a message sent to him by Tom at the top of this page giving instructions on what to do after 11am.

11 November 1918

Gaston's diary entry for November 11th 1918 Gaston's diary entry for November 11th 1918